A non profit organisation to further the science of
Digital Medicine,
for clinicians, by clinicians.


Who we are

The Faculty was set up in 2019 by clinician who work within Digital Medicine. The aim of the organisation is simple. To be the voice of the individual clinician working in Digital Medicine, to set standards and to further the public and patient understanding of the science.

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What we do

Our purpose is to give insight and involvement in Digital Medicine for the public, the patient and the professional and further it’s cause. Our team plans on doing this by sharing it's expertise in Digital Medicine.

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Public,Patient & Professional Benefit

Why ?

  • Increase the public understanding of the technology and science of Digital Medicine       
  • Develop and maintain competence, probity and professional standards in the practice of Digital Medicine
  • Advance the patient user experience and journey when using medical technologies
  • Provide evidence-based guidance to the public, patient and health professionals based on the pillars of clinical excellence, research, education, safety & technology
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About Us


Text Link
Feb 21, 2019

Text Link
Feb 21, 2019

Text Link
Feb 21, 2019

Contact Us
"Tell me & I forget. Teach me & I remember. Involve me & I learn"
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